Why Is My Split Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow?

Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow

Written by Arun

September 10, 2024

The split leaf philodendron is one of the popular houseplants; it is referred to for its lush, tropical leaves. But there it is—rather disconcerting—to see the leaves on your plant turn yellow. So, why is my split leaf philodendron turning yellow? This article covers some probable causes, solutions, and ways of preventing this condition in the future.

Understanding Why Is My Split Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow

1. Overwatering: Overwatering is arguably the most common cause of yellow leaves on a plant. If your split leaf philodendron’s roots are allowed to sit in water for too long, it could become waterlogged and oxygen-starved, which could lead to root rot. This might eventually cause yellow leaves and could kill the plant if left untreated.

  • What does an overwatered philodendron look like? General signs that a philodendron has been overwatered include leaves that are yellow in color, soft, and mushy. The soil is generally soggy, with roots that can be dark and mushy-looking, evidence of rot.

2. Underwatering: While this is often an act of overwatering, it’s also possible to see yellow leaves if the plant is being under-watered. In the case of underwatering, the split leaf philodendron will conserve its water by turning older leaves yellow and eventually dropping them.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies: Another probable answer as to why is my split leaf philodendron turning yellow could be because of nutrient deficiencies. When the essential nutrients become deficient, such as nitrogen, magnesium, or iron, a plant develops yellow leaves.

  • Why is my Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow and brown? If both the colors, yellow and brown, are on the leaf, this is due to either a nutrient deficiency or imperfect pH of the soil, due to which uptake of nutrients becomes hard.

4. Poor Light Level: Most of the health of a philodendron plant will come from good lighting. If there is too much direct sunlight, the leaves will scorch and turn yellow. Too little light, on the other hand, will hinder photosynthesis, and the leaves would become yellow over time.

  • Why is my split leaf philodendron turning yellow after relocating it? The sudden change in the environment of the plant stresses it enough to turn some leaves yellow by moving it into or out of a spot that is much shadier than before.

5. Pests and Diseases: Pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs can damage the leaves by spotting or causing yellowing. Diseases that afflict this plant include bacterial infection and fungal infection.

  • What does a sick philodendron look like? It would exhibit yellow leaves, wilting, spots, or mold on the leaves or stem. It would just look less healthy and vibrant than a healthy plant.

Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow

How to Fix Yellowing Leaves on a Split Leaf Philodendron

1. Adapt Watering Behaviors: Ensure your split Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow is planted in well-draining soil and in a pot with perforations for drainage. Allow watering of your plant only when the top inch of its soil feels dry. On the other hand, if it’s an issue of under-watering, water your plant more frequently but never waterlog the soil.

  • How do you fix a Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow? For its treatment of yellow leaves, find out whether it is due to overwatering, underwatering, or nutrient deficiency, after which the cause of such a situation is determined. After that, prune it by removing the yellow leaves so that new and healthy leaves may start to grow.

2. Lighting: The split Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow should be placed where there’s bright, indirect light. If there is any full sun, it will probably scorch the leaves. If the plant remains in an overly dark corner, the plant will hardly be able to undergo photosynthesis.

3. Nutrient Deficiency: Address your philodendron with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. If there is suspicion of some particular nutrient deficiency, then one should consider applying fertilizer that would address that specific need.

  • How do you fix Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow? Applications of fertilizers containing the lacking nutrient will help yellowing caused by a lack of some nutrients. Soil pH needs to balance for nutrient absorption.

4. Pest and Disease Control: Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests and diseases. If you happen to find any, treat the plant with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide. For organic options, neem oil or insecticidal soap can be effective against common pests.

5. Repotting: If your plant is root-bound or the soil has become compacted and doesn’t drain well, it may be time to repot your philodendron. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and fill it with fresh, well-draining soil.

How to Prevent Yellow Leaves from Happening Again

  1. Established Watering Routine: Regularly watering the plant ensures that the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. The cycle of watering should vary with the season: infrequent in winter and more frequent during the growing season.
  2. Adequate Lighting: Place the plant at a venue where it receives bright, indirect light. Rotate the plant from time to time so it will receive light all around.
  3. Fertilize Regularly: For your philodendron plant, fertilizing is indispensable during the growing season for keeping healthy coloration and a vibrant appearance. Over-fertilization, however, can also result in yellowing of leaves, so be sure to read and follow the application instructions on the box.
  4. Pests and Disease Prevention: Keep the leaves clean by wiping them, and set your plant where the air circulates well. Quarantine new plants for a while before introducing them into your collection to avoid sharing pests or diseases.
  5. Basic Care: Regular pruning of the philodendron might help channel energy to its new growth and prevent the spread of any potential disease.

Leaf Philodendron Turning Yellow


Yellow leaves on your split leaf philodendron are a cause for alarm, but it’s actually pretty simple to resolve once you realize that overwatering, nutritional deficiency, or poor light might be at fault. By taking care of regular things like providing enough water, placing the plant in proper light, and responding promptly to any danger signals, you can maintain the health of your philodendron. With good, regular care and attention to their specific needs, your split leaf philodendron will thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):-

1. Why are my philodendron leaves curling and turning yellow?

A. Curling and yellow leaves are symptoms that indicate inconsistent watering, insufficient lighting, or pest infestation. Check your care routine and correct it accordingly.

2. Should I remove yellow leaves from Philodendron?

A. Yes, the removal of yellow leaves enables the plant to invest all its energy in producing new, healthy leaves. Take clean, sharp scissors and cut the leaves at the base.

3. Why is my Heart leaf Philodendron turning yellow?

A. Like the split leaf philodendron type, Heart leaf philodendrons can produce yellow leaves due to overwatering, insufficient light, or a lack of nutrients.

4. Philodendron leaves turning yellow and falling off—is that okay?

A. Well, some leaf drop is normal in the course of the plant’s growth cycle, but if large numbers of leaves start turning yellow and falling off, then there may be something wrong with water or light.

5. Philodendron yellow and green—what’s wrong?

A. Yellow and green leaves can be a symptom of nutrient deficiency, possibly due to a lack of nitrogen in your philodendron. Make sure to adjust the fertilizing schedule.

6. Why is my Philodendron turning brown?

A. Browning on the leaves may be because of too little water, low air humidity, or exposure to too much direct sunlight. Check that the conditions for your plant are ideal.

7. What does a sick philodendron look like?

A. Sickly philodendron plants display yellow leaves, brown spotting, wilting, or just a droopy overall look. It may also show pest infestations or diseases.

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