Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible: A Guide to Biblical Oils

Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible

Written by Arun

August 23, 2024

In biblical history, anointing oil was used in divine blessing, healing, and consecration. The types of anointing oil in the bible are spiritual and, at the same time, deeply historical, with its many diversified uses during religious ceremonies and in daily life. The following guide delves into the various types of anointing oil in the bible, what it is used for, and why, answering some of the most commonly asked questions regarding these sacred oils.

Understanding Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible

Anointing oil in the bible was not just a physical substance but also was a spiritual emblem that was among the things that comprised of a couple’s faith practices. There was no primary practice of dedication, healing, and empowering that would ever be without anointing oil. The types of anointing oil in the Bible are described throughout the scriptures, each with unique properties and purposes. These oils are highlighted in various passages, reflecting their distinct roles and meanings in biblical practices.

The Significance of Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible

  • Symbolism: Anointing oil represents God’s presence, blessing, and sanctification. It is used to separate a person, an object, or a place for a sacred purpose. 
  • Ceremonial Use: The oil was used ceremonially to anoint kings, priests, and prophets as a demonstration of their divine appointment and authority. 
  • Healing Properties: The oil was also believed to heal people and has indeed been used in several instances, both in biblical and modern times, for both physical and spiritual healing. 

Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible and Uses in Bible

The Bible mentions many types of anointing oils, all that differ from each other, both in application and in types of spiritual meanings. Here’s a deeper look into some key types:

1. Holy Anointing Oil


The Holy Anointing Oil, as described in Exodus 30:22-25, was a specific blend prescribed by God for sacred use. It was used to anoint the tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and the priests.


  • Myrrh: Known for its bitter taste and aromatic properties, myrrh symbolizes suffering and affliction.
  • Cinnamon: This spice represents warmth and is associated with health and vitality.
  • Calamus: Calamus is a sweet-smelling plant used for its soothing qualities.
  • Cassia: Cassia adds fragrance and is symbolic of purity.
  • Olive Oil: Used as a base, olive oil signifies peace and divine favor.

2. Anointing Oil for Healing


In James 5:14, the practice of anointing the sick with oil is mentioned as a means of healing and invoking divine intervention.


  • Olive Oil: Often used in healing rituals, olive oil represents nourishment and healing.
  • Essential Oils: While not specified in the Bible, various essential oils were used historically for their therapeutic properties, such as frankincense and myrrh.

3. Messiah Anointing Oil


This Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible is a symbol of the anointing by Jesus Christ and His blessing being that His anointing has gone through Old Testament prophecy. It is also used to represent the divine appointment and authority placed on Christ.


  • Spices: They have not been highlighted specifically in the New Testament, but the composition looks the normal trend in using pungent spices for anointing.

4. Culture and regional representation


Anointing oils in biblical days differed from region to region and nation to nation and often involved the use of herbs and spices indigenous to the area.


  • Eastern Anointing Oils: Oils in the East included those aromatic oils such as spikenard and myrrh, which were used for both sacred and everyday applications.
  • Western Anointing Oils: Among other anointing oils of the Western or Mediterranean world, Olive Oil, often mixed with a variety of different herbs and spices, was equally in use.

Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible

What are the 7 healing Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible?

Although the Bible does not give a list, several healing oils have been referred to in the Bible: 

  • Olive Oil: for anointing and for healing (James 5:14).
  • Myrrh: for analgesic and anti-inflammatory purposes.
  • Frankincense: for its calming effect and anti-inflammatory purposes.
  • Cassia: for being soothing and warming.
  • Spikenard: for its calming properties.
  • Hyssop: Known for its purifying properties.
  • Balm of Gilead: A resin used in the preparation for healing wounds and soothing.

What Are the Different Kinds of Holy Anointing Oils?

The kinds of holy anointing oils are definite blends and anointing oils for sacred purposes expressed in the Old Testament; they are:

  • Holy Anointing Oil: The blend outlined in Exodus 30:22-25 used for esoteric purposes.
  • Healing Anointing Oil: Utilized in the New Testament for purposes of healing.
  • Messanic Anointing Oil: Anointing Christ, a divine anointing, depiction.

What Are the 33 Oils Mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible mentions various oils, but the exact number can vary depending on translations and interpretations. Some of the notable oils include:

  1. Olive Oil
  2. Myrrh
  3. Frankincense
  4. Cassia
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Calamus
  7. Spikenard
  8. Hyssop
  9. Balm of Gilead
  10. Saffron
  11. Aloe
  12. Turmeric
  13. Anise
  14. Pine
  15. Cedarwood
  16. Rosemary
  17. Juniper
  18. Eucalyptus
  19. Patchouli
  20. Clove
  21. Ginger
  22. Fennel
  23. Coriander
  24. Dill
  25. Thyme
  26. Marjoram
  27. Cardamom
  28. Caraway
  29. Mustard
  30. Peppermint
  31. Basil
  32. Lemon Balm
  33. Cypress

Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible

What are the three holy oils? 

The three holy oils usually refer to the following: 

  • Oil of Chrism: The consecrating oil is used at baptism, confirmation, and ordination. 
  • Oil of Catechumens: Used in the preparation of catechumens before baptism. 
  • Oil of the Sick: Used for anointing the sick, seeking healing and comfort. 


Those would include anointing types of anointing oil in the bible, reflecting their deep spiritual and practical significance, from consecration and healing to symbolizing divine favor. Understanding those oils and their uses gives insight into biblical practices and traditions. Whether one is studying personally or seeking spiritual practice, learning about these sacred oils enriches our appreciation for their historical and theological importance.

Frequently Aksed Qestion (FAQs):-

1. What are the 7 healing oils in the Bible?

A. The seven healing oils traditionally include olive oil, myrrh, frankincense, cassia, spikenard, hyssop, and balm of Gilead.

2. What are the different types of holy anointing oils?

A. Different types include Holy Anointing Oil, used for consecration; Healing Anointing Oil, for healing; and Messianic Anointing Oil, signifying Christ’s anointing.

3. What are the 33 oils mentioned in the Bible?

A. The Bible mentions oils like olive oil, myrrh, frankincense, cassia, and spikenard, among others, though the exact number can vary.

4. What are the three holy oils?

A. The three holy oils are Oil of Chrism, Oil of Catechumens, and Oil of the Sick.

5. How were anointing oils used in biblical times?

A. Anointing oils were used for consecration, healing, and anointing kings, priests, and prophets.

6. Can modern essential oils be used in biblical practices?

A. While modern essential oils are not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, some may align with traditional uses for healing and anointing.

7. What is the significance of Types of Anointing Oil in the Bible?

A. Olive oil is significant for its use in anointing, healing, and as a symbol of peace and divine favor.

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