Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages: Your Guide to Cultivating

Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages

Written by Arun

August 23, 2024

With their beauty and productivity, Meyer lemon trees are a popular choice among home growers. They truly do offer one of the most desirable plant combinations: ornamentation with the extra bonus of bright, delicious, tangy fruit. Of course, understanding the growth stages helps to grow a healthy Meyer lemon tree that’s sure to produce a bountiful harvest. This article will walk you through these stages of growth, providing tips and knowledge on how to treat a tree at each stage for the purpose of maximizing health and fruit production.

Introduction to Meyer Lemon Trees

Before one considers the Meyer lemon tree growth stages, it’s good to first understand what puts this particular citrus variety apart. The Meyer lemon was actually a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin orange, so what resulted was a much sweeter, very low-acid fruit. These trees are often grown in containers or small garden spaces because they remain compact, reaching a manageable height.

What Is the Life Cycle of a Meyer Lemon Tree?

A Meyer lemon tree goes through a life cycle that generally lasts for several decades when properly managed. The number of different stages that a tree’s life will go through, from planting to mature fruit production, is divided by key periods of growth. Each phase will require its own care to thrive and produce a continuous crop. 

Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages

Knowing the Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages allows you to know the right care to give at its relevant time for healthy development and fruitful harvest. The following are the major stages in the life of the Meyer lemon tree:

1. Germination

It is the first Meyer lemon tree growth stage. The stage when a Meyer lemon develops a sprout into a seedling.

  • Timeframe: 2 to 4 weeks depending on the conditions.

Care Tips:

  • 1. Plant the seed in well-draining soil and mist it.
  • 2. Keep it warm, around 70°F, in order for it to germinate.
  • 3. Place the seed indirectly in sunshine or under a growing light if necessary.

2. Seedling Stage

If the seed germinates, then it enters the seedling stage. At that stage, the young tree develops its first set of leaves, called the true leaves.

  • Timeframe: The duration will range between a few months to one year

Care Tips:

  • Irrigate well while making sure that the roots are not waterlogged.
  • Apply enough light since the young tree requires a lot of light for a rapid growth rate.
  • Commence feeding the seedling with a complete fertilizer recommended for citrus trees to enhance a good growth rate. 

3. Juvenile stage

This juvenile stage is characterized by the fact that the tree grows quickly now because it begins to develop its roots and strong trunk in a more complex manner. This is yet another critical stage of the Meyer lemon tree growth stages as the tree establishes a base for further fruit production.

  • Timeframe: The juvenile stage can last 3-5 years.

Care Tips:

  • Ensure a continued watering schedule where it is kept moist consistently.
  • Prune the tree to remove weak or crossing branches that would lead to a strong structure.
  • Feed more frequently to ensure the tree is growing vigorously.

4. Mature Stage

This is when the tree begins to fruit. Its first few fruits come about after 3-4 years, but peak yields will only be noted between 5-7 years.

  • Timeframe: The mature stage can be a few decades.

Care Tips:

  • Water and feed consistently to support the development of fruits.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases, treat promptly to avert any damage.
  • Harvest fruits as they come of age, usually in the winter time.

5. Old Age/Decline

All living things have to become old after some time. During the decline stage, growth of Meyer lemon trees slows, and fruit production may slow down as well. That, notwithstanding, when properly taken care of, they can live and produce fruit for over 20 years.

  • Timeframe: The decline stage usually starts after 20-30 years.

Care Tips:

  • Continue with normal maintenance but, given lesser energy and growth, treat the tree more carefully.
  • Pruning should be less severe so as not to upset the tree.
  • Rejuvenate through grafting or replanting when needed

Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages

What Influences the Growth Stages of a Meyer Lemon Tree

There are several variables that can affect the rate and quality of a Meyer Lemon tree as it cycles through growth and development. Understanding how these factors impact your tree can help you manage your tree to best health or productivity levels.

How Fast Do Meyer Lemon Trees Grow?

Meyer lemon trees grow at a moderate speed, but the actual speed of growth could vary with environmental factors and overall upkeep. A healthy tree should grow in height of 1-2 feet each year. Given the proper conditions, its growth rate will be maximum within each category.

How Do I Encourage My Meyer Lemon Tree to Grow?

To encourage your Meyer lemon tree to grow vigorously, focus on the following:

  • Sun: The tree should receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.
  • Watering: The soil should always remain moist and not wet.
  • Fertilization: Citrus fertilizer should be used on the tree mainly during the growing season.
  • Pruning: Dead or weak branches should be pruned regularly, which helps new growth.
  • Pest Control: Check frequently for pests like aphids and scale insects; treat for infestation accordingly .

How Old Do Meyer Lemon Trees Get?

A Meyer lemon tree, with care, might be expected to live and bear fruit for as long as 30 years or more. Some, particularly those grown under ideal conditions, might survive much longer than this and continue to bear fruit during their term.

Common Issues in Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages

Getting familiar with Meyer lemon tree growth stages does not only show you what to expect but also teaches you how to deal with common problems that may arise at every stage. Here are some of the problems you may encounter:

  1. Yellow Leaves

When your plant is turning yellow, the probable reason may be that it could have been overwatered or left without adequate lighting or nutrition. Solutions to these include changing irrigation methods, improving the available light to plants, and the application of balanced fertilizer.

  1. Bad Fruiting

In case you have an adult tree that is not bearing, then improper pollination or poor nutrition may be the reasons, and it can also include environmental stress as one of the main factors. Adequate nutrition, along with a clean environment with no stress, will help in bearing more fruits.

  1. Pests and diseases

They are prone to some pests and diseases, which include aphids, spider mites, root rot, among others. Make sure you inspect your tree regularly for signs of an infestation or disease and treat them before they get out of hand.

Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages


Understanding the Meyer lemon tree growth stages is critical in growing a healthy and productive tree that will reward you with fragrant blossoms and delicious fruit for many years to come. By properly taking care of a Meyer lemon tree at all growing stages, you can continue to enjoy the beauty and bounty it provides for decades. With these valuable tips and insights, you can feel confident to take on each stage of care, whether you grow indoors or in a garden, and ensure your tree thrives with an abundant harvest.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

1. How fast do Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages?

A. Meyer lemon trees typically grow 1-2 feet per year, depending on the care and conditions provided.

2. How do I encourage my Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages?

A. To encourage growth, ensure your tree gets plenty of sunlight, consistent watering, regular feeding with citrus-specific fertilizer, and appropriate pruning.

3. How old do Meyer lemon trees get?

A. With proper care, Meyer lemon trees can live for 30 years or more, continuing to produce fruit throughout their lifespan.

4. What is the life cycle of a Meyer Lemon Tree Growth Stages?

A. The life cycle includes seed germination, the seedling stage, the juvenile stage, the mature stage, and eventually, old age or decline, which can span several decades.

5. Why are my Meyer lemon tree’s leaves turning yellow?

A. Yellowing leaves can be due to nutrient deficiencies, overwatering, or insufficient sunlight. Adjust your care routine to address these issues.

6. Can I grow a Meyer lemon tree indoors?

A. Yes, Meyer lemon trees can be grown indoors if they receive adequate sunlight and care. Consider using a grow light to supplement natural light.

7. When should I repot my Meyer lemon tree?

A. Repot your Meyer lemon tree every 2-3 years or when you notice roots growing out of the drainage holes. Repotting helps refresh the soil and provides room for the roots to expand.

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