Mama Bhanja Hills Thane: A Trekker’s Paradise

Mama Bhanja Hills Thane

Written by Arun

August 1, 2024

The very name Of Mama Bhanja Hills thane evokes images of lush greenery, rocky trails, and spectacular view. Amidst the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Thane, Maharashtra, these hillss offer a delightful escape for trekkers and nature enthusiasts. 

Mama bhanja Hills located at the Lokmanya Nagar thane in Maharashtra state. These two-base full of green tree. Mama is at the top and Bhanja at little lower than the mama hills. Mama Hills is covered with full of hard rocks. From mama hills you will be able to see whole the thane and Mumbai city wide and clear. Mama Bhanja hills, Thane West offers a majestic view of the National Park as well as Thane City because the ridge is quite wide.

 Unfortunately, it’s full of plastic bags and bottles as there are many slums at the base. But when you start to climb, you will encounter clean places. Yet again on top its again litter with bags. Parking facility is also available at the base. One has to walk 50 meters to the start of the climb to the hillss.

After climbing and reaching top you will come across a junction from where if you turn left, you will reach Bhanja Hills and turning right will take you to Mama Hills.

 Mama bhanja hills history

  • The hills are believed to be name after a legendary tale of uncle and nephew where they were given the task to construct a temple, and both the person (mama maternal uncle and the bhanja is the nephew) completed in within a day.
  • The hills have been an important site for archaeological discoveries as it involves remnants of ancient structures and artifacts that provide insights into the early human settlements in the region.
  • Apart from this, it is also home to several temples and shrines that were of ancient history and thus it attracts many pilgrims and tourists. 

Mama bhanja hills thane history in Marathi

मामा भांजा हिल्सची कथा एक ऐतिहासिक आणि पौराणिक गोष्ट आहे. या डोंगराचे नाव एका प्रसिद्ध कहाणीकडून आले आहे जिच्या अनुसार, एक मामा (मात्रीक काका) आणि भांजा (भाची) यांना एक मंदीर बांधण्याचे काम देण्यात आले होते. हे दोन व्यक्ती त्या कामाला अतिशय श्रद्धेने आणि मेहनतीने लागले आणि ते मंदीर एका दिवशीच पूर्ण केले. 

या डोंगरावर प्राचीन कालीन वास्तूंचे अवशेष आणि वस्तू सापडल्या आहेत, ज्यामुळे त्या काळातील मानव वसाहतींविषयी माहिती मिळवता येते. या क्षेत्रातील पुरातत्वीय शोधांनी या प्राचीन संरचनांचे महत्व दर्शवले आहे.

याशिवाय, मामा भांजा हिल्समध्ये अनेक प्राचीन मंदिरे आणि पूजा स्थळे आहेत, जे स्थानिक भक्तांसाठी आणि पर्यटकांसाठी एक आकर्षणाचे केंद्र आहेत. त्यामुळे, हे ठिकाण धार्मिक आणि सांस्कृतिक दृष्ट्या महत्वाचे आहे.

Mama bhanja hills thane location

  • Mama bhanja hills thane is located in west thane at hanuman tekdi in Maharashtra.
  • The hills are easily accessible from Chhindwara city and serves as a popular spot for both locals and tourists due to its scenic beauty and historical significance.
  • Mama Bhanja Hills Thane distance is 16254 km.
  • Mama Bhanja Hills Thane trek is 1.8 mile out-and-back trail near thane, Maharashtra.
  • Mama Bhanja Hills Thane height is Approx. 400 m from sea level.

Mama Bhanja Hills Thane

Route from thane station to mama bhanja hills thane

If you want to visit Mama Bhanja hills from Thane Station. You can reach there via TMC Buses or Auto Rickshaw as well. Once you arrive at the Thane Station then travel to the Bus Departure stand where you can get Lokmanya Nagar Bus. Take the ticket for Lokmanya Nagar because it’s the last stop. Once you reach to Lokmanya Nagar, ask anyone about Mama Bhanja Location. The locals will help you out and guide you towards the direction of the hills and the starting point of it. 

  • The cost for the TMC bus will be nonetheless around INR25 TO INR 30
  • If you’re taking meter rikshaw to reach to direct Loknagar then your cost will be around 50 TO 60 INR.
  • Sharing rikshaws are also available and there and their cost is also low which is around 18 to 26 INR per person. 

What to expect in Mama bhanja hills thane

History says the Mama Bhanja hills thane are very old dating 400 years back

Steps are made up of rock for climbing the hills and are provided all the way to the top.

For an average man to climb to the top, it can take up to 1 hour maximum as the steps goes all the way to the forest and they are pretty wide. During the monsoon season, due to rain, any streams flow across these steps. Then there’s also a place called Mastan Darbar, which you will find at the middle of your climb. There’s a small house there with lots of hens and the place is quite wide so it’s a good place to relax.

Within the bhanja hills and mama hills there is mid-point, on that point one can stop for breakfast or snacks. Rest room also available there.

Best season to visit here: – 

  • winter (October to February)
  • During this time, the weather is cooler and more pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploration.
  • Although monsoon season could be also a good time if you’re fond of lush green landscapes but be prepared for rain and sloppy trails.
  1. Base village: – Lokmanya Nagar, hanuman tekdi.
  2. Trek path: – stepped rock with moderate-level trek, suitable for all types of trekkers, including beginners.
  3. Environment: – jungles, ridges, rocks, waterfalls

Mama Bhanja Hills Thane

Mama bhanja dargah history

Dargah mama bhanja hills in situated in Sonipat, Haryana

  • Dargah is considered as a symbol of Hindu- Muslim unity.
  • Located in Sonipat in Haryana.
  • According to the legends, many Hindus temple was present at those sites several centuries ago.
  • There resides an old priest nearby the village whose work and aim were to look after the village.
  • But after some time, the temple transformed into mosques securing the famous name of mama bhanja.
  • People reaction were different and so their faith also differ when the transformation took place. 

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Mama bhanja hills tiger

  • The Mama Bhanja Hills is steeped in local folklore, one of which involves, as local states, that the tigers mostly came at night for paying their tribute to the mama bhanja. 
  • Mama bhanja hills leopard often ventures into nearby areas like Thane due to their natural roaming behaviour and the proximity of urban settlements to their natural habitat

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

Q1. What is the height of mama bhanja?

A. Approx. 400 m from sea level.

Q2. Is it suitable for beginners?

A. The moderate-level trek welcomes trekkers of all abilities.

Q3. How long is mama bhanja trek?

A. The ascent typically takes around 2-3 hours.

Q4. What’s the best time to visit?

A. Monsoons transform Mama Bhanja Hillss into a wonderland. Winter months offer pleasant weather for trekking.

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