How To Ripen Strawberries at Home: Quick & Easy Methods

How To Ripen Strawberries

Written by Arun

August 23, 2024

Strawberries are a wonderful fruit. They are so full of sweetness and flavor when they reach the peak of ripeness. Most of the time, though, they are just picked a little bit too early—the better to fend off bruising and hard travel. This goes on to raise many questions on just how to ripen strawberries at home to get the most out of the flavor and texture. Below are a number of ways one can make sure strawberries ripen to fully enjoy the flavors they bring, in case they are picked green from where they reached you.

How Strawberries Ripen

For you to continue to learn how to ripen strawberrie, you should first grasp at the back of your mind how the strawberries ripen in the real sense. Unlike bananas and avocados, strawberries do not ripen the same way other fruits do after harvesting. Strawberries belong to the category of non-climacteric fruits, meaning that they do not ripen very significantly after harvesting. Nevertheless, there are certain post-harvest practices that can be carried out to enhance their color and taste.

Can Strawberries Ripen After Harvest?

Well, yes—to a point. Though they won’t get any sweeter off the bush, certainly, they will get softer and juicier, and even red up a bit more. A number of methods are noted here to help you get the most from them even if they are underripe.

Quick & Easy Ways to Ripen Strawberries at Home

1. Ripen Strawberries on the Counter

One of the most widespread and the easiest ways to ripen strawberries is to set them open on the counter. This will soften them and give them a richer red hue.

How to Ripen Strawberries on the Counter:

  • Step 1: Take the strawberries out of their packaging, in case they are wrapped in a plastic container or a bag. Put them on a plate or tray in a single layer.
  • Step 2: Ensure that the strawberries do not stack over each other, which may cause bruising and uneven ripening.
  • Step 3: Keep the strawberries at room temperature for several hours up to a day. Check them periodically to see for softness and color.
  • Step 4: When the strawberries have ripened to the desired degree, serve them immediately or refrigerate the fruit.

2. Ripening Strawberries in a Paper Bag

Can you ripen strawberries in a paper bag? Though strawberries do not emit either ethylene gas as do bananas or apples, putting them in a paper bag will serve to concentrate any natural gasses they may be giving off, and in so doing, slightly boost the ripening process. 

How to Ripen Strawberrie in a Paper Bag 

  • Step 1: Place the Strawberries in a paper bag. Make sure not to over-crowd.
  • Step 2: Partially close the bag near the top to let in some air.
  • Step 3: Go ahead and leave the bag at your room temperature and keep checking on your strawberries every couple of hours.
  • Step 4: If your strawberries reach that peak where you like them, consume or arrange them for storage.

3. The Fridge Method

Do strawberries ripen more in the fridge? The refrigerator slows down the ripening process, but it’s a good option for giving strawberries that are already just about ripe a longer shelf life.

How To Ripen Strawberries in the Fridge:

  • Step 1: Arrange the strawberries in one layer, on a plate, or a tray.
  • Step 2: Loosely cover with a paper towel or a bit of plastic wrap to just barely hold in a little bit of moisture.
  • Step 3: Refrigerate and check on them every day. They’ll ripen much more slowly, and you can easily enjoy them over time.

How To Ripen Strawberries

4. Use the Water Method of Ripening

This is done far less often, but some people do it and swear by it. It directly incorporates the use of water in ripening the strawberries. By doing so, the strawberries are automatically capable of absorbing a lot of moisture, thus rendering them juicy/watery in the process.

Using Water to Ripen Strawberries:

  • Step 1: Place the strawberries in cold water.
  • Step 2: Allow them to set 20-30 minutes. This refreshes the berries and can slightly soften the berries.
  • Step 3: Drain the strawberries and hold them at room temperature for a few hours to use.

5. How To Ripen Strawberries Quickly with Fruit Friends

While strawberries don’t produce much ethylene gas, by combining the strawberries with other ethylene gas-producing fruits such as bananas and apples you can hasten the ripening of the strawberries.

Getting Strawberries to Ripen in a Hurry

  • Step 1: Put the strawberries in a paper bag, or a container loosely closed.
  • Step 2: Insert a ripe banana or apple in the bag.
  • Step 3: Allow the bag to stay at room temperature either for several hours or overnight.
  • Step 4: Observe your strawberries so they don’t over-ripen.

6. The Sunlight Trick

Natural sunlight does accelerate the ripening process of strawberries. This trick is most effective when you have strawberries that are partially ripe and only need to be in peak ripeness in a day or two.

How To Ripen Strawberries Overnight:

  • Step 1: Line them up on the windowsill or another area where they directly absorb the sunlight.
  • Step 2: Leave them for a good number of hours or leave them overnight. Turn them after some time to give them the air.
  • Step 3: After they are now ripe enough, place them in the fridge or use them shortly.

How To Ripen Strawberries

7. How To Ripen Strawberries on the Plant

If you are into growing strawberries, the best way for the fruits to ripen would be for them to be done while on the plant. Strawberries can develop the natural flavor and sweetness of the berries.

How to Ripen Strawberries on the Plant:

  • Step 1: Check on your strawberry plants occasionally while the fruit is forming.
  • Step 2: Leave on the vine which allows fruits to mature properly, being fully red in color and a bit soft to the touch.
  • Step 3: Harvest gently without bruising the plant and fruit.

Other Tips for Mature Strawberries

  • Prevent Moisture: Excessive moisture can easily spoil strawberries. In case of ripening, keep them dry and do not wash them until ready to consume.
  • Regularly Check: Whatever method you are trying—counter, fridge, or the paper bag method—regularly check them. Once ripe, they should be consumed or refrigerated to not get them spoiled.
  • Freezing: If your strawberries have ripened faster than you can use them up, then the best way is to freeze them. Frozen strawberries are excellent for use in smoothies, baking, and other desserts.


With knowledge of how to ripen strawberries at home, you can try to realize the potential of your treasure, even if it has been picked a bit prematurely. Ripening on the countertop, in a paper bag, or in the fridge pretty much all bring forward ways to make the most out of the flavors and textures.

Bear in mind that strawberries do not really turn any sweeter after they are taken from the plants: juicier and more aromatic, surely. Test the options out to see what suits your needs best, and enjoy excellent-tasting strawberries all year.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):-

1. How do you ripen strawberries quickly?

A. Place them with a ripe banana or apple in a paper bag to speed up the ripening process.

2. Can strawberries ripen after being picked?

A. Yes, but they won’t get sweeter, just softer and juicier.

3. Will strawberries ripen if left on the counter?

A. Yes, leaving them on the counter can help them soften and deepen in color.

4. How to ripen strawberries Reddit?

A. According to Reddit, popular methods include leaving them on the counter or using a paper bag with a banana.

5. How to ripen strawberries in water?

A. Soak them in cold water for 20-30 minutes, then let them sit at room temperature.

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