Can Neon Pothos Be Outside? A Comprehensive Guide

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside

Written by Arun

September 10, 2024

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside: neon pothos is one of the most striking houseplants, having leaves ranging between different shades of green to yellow, which distinguishes it from the rest of the indoor plants. With this in mind, one question that bugs many plant lovers is, can neon pothos be taken outside? This post will outline how practical it is to take your neon pothos outdoors, get into some specific care, and answer frequently asked questions about taking plants out.

Understanding Neon Pothos

Neon pothos are a variation of Epipremnum aureum, mainly grown for their vibrant-colored foliage and their easy nature to care for. Native to the tropics of the Solomon Islands, neon pothos enjoy growing in conditions that are similar in every way to their native habitat. Let’s take a closer look at whether the neon pothos can go outdoors and what conditions are ideal for its outdoor care.

Characteristics of Neon Pothos

  • Scent: Neon pothos do not usually have any particular smell.
  • Growth Habit: Vining plant that can grow rapidly under good care.
  • Light Needs: It prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower lights.

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside?

The pivotal question could be, can neon pothos be outside? Yes, but with particular conditions and considerations. Neon pothos can do well outside if the environment is according to its requirements in care.

Factors to Consider

  • Temperature: Neon pothos loves warmer climes and isn’t tolerable against frost.
  • Sunlight: It needs protection from heartily, direct sunlight.
  • Humidity: It will do great at higher levels of humidity, as with tropical climates.

Can Neon Pothos Go Outside?

The question—is neon pothos able to go outside—is very straightforward, the answer being yes. But you need to be considerate in terms of ensuring the conditions are right. Let’s look at this more closely:

Climate Considerations

  • Warm Weather: Neon pothos will thrive outdoors in warm-weather climates.
  • Cold Weather: The neon pothos can be taken outside during winter, provided it does not get below 50°F – 10°C. If that’s the case, then it is better to bring it inside.

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside

Sun Exposure

  • Does too much sun hurt a neon pothos? Yes, the leaves may get scorched if it gets full sun. Therefore, it’s better to put it in the shade or partly sunny.

Outdoor Care for Neon Pothos

To make sure that your neon pothos flourishes when outdoors, do the following:

1. Placement

  • Shaded Areas: They thrive well in indirect sunlight as direct sunlight could cause them to burn. They do well on a covered patio or under a tree canopy.
  • Outdoor Pothos in Hanging Baskets: They are great because they can be moved in and out for different lighting conditions.

2. Watering

  • Consistency: Maintain soil that consistently has moisture without waterlogging the soil. The pot must drain well to get rid of any root rot.
  • Seasonal Changes: The pot needs less water during cooler seasons while it needs more during hot, dry seasons.

3. Soil

  • Well-draining Mix: Take a well-draining potting mix. The mix of potting soil with perlite or sand works well.

4. Fertilization

  • Balanced Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside in Different Regions?

Neon pothos can adapt variably as per regional climates. Here is how it goes in certain regions.


  • Can neon pothos go outdoors in California? Yes, provided the winter seasons are mild and without frost. Will be required to provide protection from strong afternoon sun.


  • Can Neon Pothos Be Outside in Florida? Ideal, for the temperatures stay warm and the humidity is at an optimum level. Will require partial shade from strong midday sun rays.


  • Can Neon Pothos Be Outsidein Texas? Possible for those with mild winters but provide shade and monitor its water needs carefully. Can Neon Pothos Be Outside in Texas? Yes, but seasonal care is needed.

Can Neon Pothos Be Outside


In brief, is it possible for neon pothos to be outdoors? Yes, they can, considering that the environment is suitable. Give it good placement, protect it from too-extreme conditions, and adequately water it. All of these considerations will lead you to be able to grow your neon pothos outdoor with bright foliage in different kinds of climate changes.

For more specific climates, such as California, Florida, and Texas, one needs to adjust its care routine regarding seasonal and temperature changes. Keep an eye on your plant in relation to health concerns and make changes where necessary to provide a happy, thriving outdoor neon pothos.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):-

1. How can I take my pothos outside?

A. Yes, but let the climate be right for the plant, and keep the plant away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.

2. Can Neon Pothos Get Too Much Sun?

A. Can neon pothos get too much sun? Yes. Too much direct sunlight will burn this plant’s leaves. A partially shaded location is perfect for this plant.

3. Can Pothos Grow Outside in Full Sun?

A. Not really. Can pothos grow outside in full sun? No, they like to have indirect light. Full sun will harm their leaves.

4. Can Pothos Live Outside in Summer?

A. Yes, can pothos live outside in summer? They love warm weather, but they do need regular watering and protection from strong sunlight.

5. Can Neon Pothos Be Outside in Winter?

A. Can neon pothos be outside in winter? No, they are not frost-tolerant. Bring them indoors or provide protection if it is going to get cold.

6. What Part of Neon Pothos Is Suitable for Outdoor Care?

A. Both are crucial: foliage and soil conditions. Let the plant sit in a well-draining mix, and keep it out of direct sun as much as possible.

7. Can Neon Pothos Be Outside in Different States?

A. Yes, but with regional adaptations:

  • Neon pothos outdoor California: yes, with protection.
  • Neon pothos outdoor Florida: yes, great against the climate.
  • Neon pothos outdoor Texas: yes, seasonal care.

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