How Stress Contributes to Stroke Risk

SEPT 12,2024


High Cholesterol Levels: 

Stress can elevate cholesterol levels, contributing to atherosclerosis. This narrowing of the arteries increases the risk of ischemic stroke. 

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High Blood Pressure: 

Chronic stress often results in high blood pressure, which can damage arteries and nerves, making stroke more likely. 

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Elevated Blood Glucose Levels: 

Stress raises blood glucose levels, which can lead to atherosclerosis and blockages in brain blood vessels. 

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Stress-Induced Hypertension: 

Stress releases hormones that cause blood vessels to constrict and muscles to tighten, raising blood pressure and increasing stroke risk.

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Frequent Blood Pressure Fluctuations 

:Persistent stress can cause significant fluctuations in blood pressure, which over time can damage brain tissue and increase stroke risk.

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Emotional and Environmental Stress: 

Factors like job strain, racism, and other stressors can contribute to high blood pressure and increase stroke risk.

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Influence of Social Elements: 

Stressful life events, depression, and social pressures can exacerbate stroke risk by negatively impacting overall health and well-being.

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